What is the difference between wet wipes

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What is the difference between wet wipes

Update:17 Oct
Summary: Maybe you’ve forgotten to take a wa...
Maybe you’ve forgotten to take a water bottle to the toilet or you can’t access a sink easily in a public restroom. Either way, flushable toilet tissues are a good emergency fix to clean your menstrual cup in the cubicle. Just cleanse your cup with a moist tissue followed by normal dry toilet paper.Moist tissues are all natural, organic and cleansing great for your family’s delicate skin. If your little one has got food on their face, flushable wipes are perfect for a quick clean around their mouths.

It’s not just faces, either. Inevitably, if you’re out and about with wipe tissue manufacturers toddlers and toys, that toy will fall to the floor at some point. Moist tissues can be used to give it a wipe down before you hand it back to them!We have other wipes in our range, including our baby wipes which are made from 100% organic cotton cloth. These aren’t flushable but they are biodegradable, so you can bin them and forget about them.Moist tissues are perfect for baby bums  and for the messy results of cleaning babies’ bums, too! If you need to give a changing mat or a potty a quick wipe, the moist tissues are perfect. Just clear up and then pop them down the loo.If you pack reusable cutlery, or you need to give your camping utensils a clean, carry a pack of moist tissues around!  

Use the tissues to wipe them down and get rid of surplus dirt before putting them back in your bag. Handy if you’re not near a sink!Reattaching your bike chain; pumping up your tyres; filling up your petrol tank; eating a burrito  it’ll be a miracle if you don’t get some gunk on your hands when you do any of these. Rid your hands of dirt by wiping them clean with moist tissues.Car rides can be bumpy, which means that there might be spillages along the way. Keep a pack handy in the car so you can clean up any mess quickly.

During the cold and flu season, or when hayfever starts to kick in, the sniffles come out in full force. If you’ve forgotten to bring tissues with you or they feel too harsh on your skin, our moist toilet tissues will do the job. And they smell good too!A moist tissue is great for giving pets a wipe before you let them back into the house after a winter walk  an easy solution before your mucky pup can make muddy paw prints all over the carpet.Normal standards of cleanliness go out of the window when you’re partying in a field for a whole weekend. Our moist toilet tissue wipes are ideal as an eco-friendly way to have a DIY shower at a festival. You can feel guilt-free throwing these away, knowing they’re only a few rain showers away from fully disintegrating!