Types of Household Cleaning Wipes

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Types of Household Cleaning Wipes

Update:07 Jun
Summary: If you're looking for a simple way ...
If you're looking for a simple way to keep your surfaces clean and your hands germ-free, cleaning wipes are an excellent choice. These disposable wet cloths are used to quickly and efficiently clean messes and spills, as well as sanitize and disinfect hard and nonporous surfaces like counters, TV and phone screens, doors, and hinges. Some of them also kill coronavirus, which can cause severe respiratory illness in people. There are several types of wipes on the market, so choose one that matches your household cleaning needs and preferences.
Some brands of cleaning wipes are specifically formulated to be gentle on skin. These can be a good option for people who have skin sensitivities or a history of allergies. These wipes are typically made of cotton fibers thermally bonded with bio-based thermoplastic polymers. This type of fabric offers good durability and absorbency while being less expensive than other materials. Some cleaning wipes are packaged in a dispenser that snaps open and closed, which helps them stay moist longer and reduces waste. Other varieties are dispensed from a canister or tub, which can make them easier to use. Some have a wet-drying feature that allows you to pull out the next wipe as soon as the last one dries. This makes it easy to clean up a mess on the go without having to carry liquid cleaner with you.
Another kind of cleaning wipe is a lint-free cloth that's designed to be free of loose particles or fibers that can shed while you're using it. These kinds of wipes are often used in cleanrooms, but they're very useful in the home for general wiping. They're available in a variety of materials, including microfibers and cellulose, and they're usually packaged in a reusable container like a jar or a box that can be opened and closed easily.
Other types of cleaning wipes are a bit more heavy-duty and can take on some tough messes, such as grease or food residue. They're a good choice for removing stubborn dirt, grime, or scuff marks from your car, and they're a great alternative to using paper towels to remove grease spots on the kitchen stove. These wipes are often packaged in a larger size, up to 10 x 12 inches, which can mean that you have to use fewer of them to get the job done.
Many of the best cleaning wipes contain a chemical called benzalkonium chloride, which is EPA-approved to kill germs on nonporous surfaces. These wipes are great for getting rid of messes and sanitizing counters, floors, doorknobs, and other surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. They're also a quick and convenient way to clean the hard surfaces in your kids' rooms, as well as their toys and furniture. Keeping a package of these handy can help prevent the spread of germs during cold and flu season. These wipes are generally more effective than disinfectants, which require a spray bottle and can be messy to apply.